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YANMAR Technical Review


Editor's Postscript

July 27, 2015

After the spring edition of Yanmar Technical Review was published, the editorial team was interested to find out just how many people were reading the articles. When we analyzed the statistics since the April 10 publication date, we found we were getting an average of about 160 page views* per day. Despite the rather formal technical nature of the content, everyone involved with the publication was very grateful to discover that so many people are choosing to read the articles. Thank you very much.

As we build up a back catalog of further editions, the authors and editorial staff are committed to building a readership of a thousand, ten thousand, or even more views per day.

We urge you to keep coming back to sample further articles.

If you have any comments or questions about Yanmar Technical Review, please contact us using the form below

*: The number of times a page is viewed on a web site. Because each time a web page is opened is counted as one page view, and because this is not affected by the number of images or other embedded files the page may contain, it provides an approximation of how many readers are reading the articles.
