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When your boat needs repowering, we will not let you down. Yanmar helps you quickly and safely back to sea.

At some point in time, repowering your boat becomes quite realistic. You still love your boat. Its looks, solid construction and good sea keeping qualities. You do not want to sell it, but you have your doubts about the reliability of your engine. And instead of dealing with mechanical problems when you are out on the water, you decide your boat needs to be repowered.

Repowering: finding a qualified installer and the right engine

A successful repowering project involves two equally critical decisions, selection of a qualified installer and choosing the right engine for the boat. Choosing the right engine is all about reliability and focuses on specifications and requirements. Finding a qualified installer can be more daunting. Repowering needs to be done right, in accordance with applicable regulations and standards. ‘About right’ is not good enough. As far as dealers are concerned, you will find the right company in our full list of qualified dealers. Talk to them about your repowering wishes. They are just a phone call or an e-mail away.
